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The deep trust relationships we’ve grown in the industry allow LYNMAR to co-produce films
with some of the most successful film makers in Hollywood today.

Dale Johnson
Founder and CEO
Dale oversees all operations of the company, including investments, development, production, and strategic planning.
He combines his creative background with an expertise in film finance and believes that understanding both these areas is key for successfully investing capital into media. He has overseen the due diligence and negotiation of a variety of different film financing structures, including Independent film loans, P&A facilities and Major Studio co-financings. Dale has received extensive training in media investment from film banking expert Lew Horwitz.
Dale has produced a range of content with numerous top filmmakers in the industry, including producing “The Lost City of Z” with Brad Pitt’s company Plan B; and “Pawn Sacrifice”, directed by Academy Award winning producer Ed Zwick and starring Tobey Maguire, Liev Schreiber & Peter Sarsgaard.

Co-Founder, VP Production
Erika is an an experienced content and rights manager for the global film and television industry. She currently manages guild relations, contract administration, invoicing, collections, rights management, availability and physical materials tracking for a $75MM portfolio of film investments. She interacts regularly with some of the world’s foremost film and television distributors, managing accounts receivables and tracking project deliveries and timelines.

Portfolio Manager
Sarah has experience overseeing the management of a diverse portfolio of media investments. She has conducted due diligence in a variety of media related investment structures and is proficient in financial modelling, IRR analytics and managing the day-to-day oversight of investments. Sarah has set up financial statement tracking systems and acts as liaison with LYNMAR's Investors and external auditors.
JEFF Johnson
Partner, Investor Relations
Jeff possesses a breadth of experience and networks from both the private and public sector. He served in several key cabinet portfolios, managing budgets of up to $7 billion for 4 Premiers of Alberta, Canada including; Minister of Education, Minister of Infrastructure and Minister responsible for the Oil Sands Secretariat, Minister of Seniors and Ministerial Liaison to the Canadian Armed Forces; and 5 years as a member of Alberta Treasury Board including serving as the Board’s Vice- Chair alongside the Minister of Finance. Among its many responsibilities, the Treasury Board oversees Alberta’s $50 billion budget and AIMCO, one of Canada’s largest and most diversified institutional investment fund managers with a total investment portfolio of approximately $84 billion.

Global Relations
Andrew has worked as a language professional for international corporate clients. Following his master's degree in Global Media Communications at the University of Melbourne, he began working as a communications officer for the UN's operations in Beijing and then a news reporter at Caixin. Andrew is now bridging the gap between Asia and Hollywood one word at a time.

135 N Old Woodward Ave,
Suite 200 | Birmingham, MI 48009
Tel 310.569.6101 Fax 310.388.0412